Tuesday 14 May 2013

Petrol costs less than diesel in Goa.

The state has become the first state to sell petrol at cheaper rates than diesel after oil companies recently announced a hike of Rs. 1 per litre for diesel.

Toyota i-ROAD concept vehicle
In the realm between cars and motorcycles, many automakers see a potential market for city-only personal vehicles that combine aspects of both modes. Here's Toyota's latest idea for such a vehicle, the i-Road, an all-electric three-wheeler
that can travel 30 miles on a charge and leans into corners.

Monday 13 May 2013

Bus vs. car: show me the money

Remember the classic scene from the movie Jerry MaGuire, where Tom Cruise shouts out “Show me the money!”?  It must have worked, because buses and coaches have responded! Watch out private car users, there’s a new King in town when it comes to affordability!

Buses our ...Future

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Improving urban mobility patterns at low cost..

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) - a modern transit system with the flexibility of buses, and the speed, comfort and reliability of rail - enjoys growing popularity of  around the world. BRT provides faster, greener, safer and more efficient service than an ordinary bus. "These systems operate like a surface subway, say BRT advocates, but cost far less than building an actual metro."

With its dedicated lanes, accommodating service areas, technologically advanced stations and GPS tracking systems, BRT offers a comprehensive mass transit service at a fraction of typical costs. In fact, for the amount of capital it takes to build a single rail line, localities can build multiple BRT lines.
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) executive director, Walter Hook, confirms BRT’s potential in cities where funding is scarce. “BRT will be an important option for transit systems in the future, especially in cities where transit demand is high and budgets are tight,” Hook says.

Due to its flexible service and low capital investments, BRT has found success around the world. In addition to the global enthusiasm for BRT is growing popularity in the U.S. There are currently five cities in the U.S., including Los Angeles and Cleveland, which use BRT as a part of their public transit system and eight to ten new BRT systems under consideration.

Infographic: A smarter future for bus travel..

Coach travels the world to raise awareness on coach tourism benefits.

02 May 2013 - In case you haven’t heard, buses and coaches are perfect for travellers who want to combine comfort, low carbon footprint, safety and a reasonable budget all into one faraway trip.. In fact, no other mode of transport lets you take in so many sights and still have money left over for local cuisine and a few souvenirs!

This coach tour started in April 2013 in Germany and is currently in Iran. The coach has been travelling along the ancient Silk Road, with the aim to go all the way to Shanghai in China. From there, the coach will travel by boat to Alaska and pick up the Pan-American Highway. The coach will then travel the length of North, Central and South America to its southern tip in Patagonia. All in all, a Smart Move to take in sights all around the world!